Member Terms

The following Member Terms (“Member Terms”) are binding upon and govern all Members or users of the website and platform known as By using the Services, you agree to be bound by the Member Terms, together with the Terms of Service (“Terms”) outlined by Network Travel, Inc. dba Trustr (“Trustr”). Any User that joins the Trustr network and agrees to the Terms shall be referred to herein as a “member” or “Member.” In the event of any conflict between the Terms and the Member Terms, the Terms shall control. Any capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings set out in the Terms.

    • Members can either be invited by an existing Trustr member to join Trustr, or a person may go to  and sign up on their own.
    • Members must provide a valid email address or mobile number to sign up.
    • Once the email or mobile number has been validated, members can start to build their Trustr network and explore the website.
    • Membership in Trustr is currently free, and this enables a Member to use Trustr to post and search for recommendations, and then access them on the relevant third party booking platforms
    • All Trustr members are encouraged and expected to create and post recommendations on the Site for places that they have stayed at and loved.
    • Trustr provides an easy-to-use template to create recommendations. All that is needed is: a link to the property on the booking platform the member used; some details about the member‘s stay (date, # of guests, price); ratings for amenities, location and cleanliness; and a review of why you are recommending it.
    • As part of the recommendation creation process, members may also select whether they want their review to be accessible solely by other members in their network, to also be available to “Friends of Friends”, or to be available to all Trustr members.
    • Once a member has previewed and submitted a recommendation, the Trustr Customer Service team will validate it and, if everything is ready, post it to the website. If the Customer Service team needs more information or has questions, they will communicate with the posting member to complete the validation process.
    • Trustr is not liable or responsible for the content, ratings or reviews in the recommendations that its members post.
    • All Trustr members are encouraged and expected to create a network of family, friends, etc., with whom they can share recommendations for places to stay.
    • Invitations to join a member‘s network may be sent via Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Contacts, email or text, or within Trustr itself.
    • If a person (the “joiner”) accepts an invitation to join a member‘s (the “inviter‘s”) network, the joiner will have access to all the recommendations available within the inviter‘s network, and the inviter will have access to the joiner‘s recommendations.
    • If a person (the “decliner”) declines an invitation to join a member‘s (the “inviter‘s”) network, the decliner will not be able to access the inviter‘s recommendations, or vice versa, without having to request permission each time.
    • A member who has had an invitation declined may send another invitation to the same Trustr member 90 days following the date declined.
    • Members may message anyone in their network by clicking on the “Send Message” icon on their list of network member names (in the “My Network” section of the Trustr app), or by going to the Message Center.
    • Members may message any other Trustr member by clicking on a “Send Message” button on a recommendation summary or by going to the Message Center.
    • Members may delete members of their network by clicking on the “Delete ” button on the network member name summaries (in the “My Network” section of the Trustr app).
    • Members who have been deleted (the “deleted”) from another member‘s (the “deleter‘s”) network cannot send the deleter an invitation to join the deleted‘s network. Instead, the deleter has to invite the deleted to rejoin their network.
    • Members of a particular Trustr network (“In-Network” members) have full access to any recommendations posted by any fellow network members.
    • Members who are not part of a particular Trustr network (“Out-of-Network” members‘) cannot access any recommendations posted by any of the “In-Network” members (the “posters”) without requesting and receiving permission from the posters.
    • “Out-of-Network” members are broken into two groups: “Friend of Friend” — where the members share at least one Trustr member in their networks, and “Other Trustr” — where the members do not have any friends or other Trustr network members in common.
    • “Friend-of-Friend” Trustr member profiles indicate which specific network members the member and the viewer have in common.
    • Trustr may receive referral fees or other compensation from third party booking sites or partners that it drives traffic to.
    • Trustr shall retain, and it has no obligation to compensate Trustr members or any other parties for, any and all referral fee revenue of any type Trustr receives.
    • All Trustr members are encouraged to create and post listings on the Site for properties that they own (or represent) and can be rented by eligible Trustr members.
    • Trustr provides an easy-to-use template to create listings. All that is needed is: a location and name for, and description of, the property; some details about the accommodations and amenities; and suggestions for things to do, and places to eat/drink, etc.
    • As part of the listing creation process, members also have to select whether they want their review to be accessible solely by other members in their network, to also be available to ‘Friends of Friends’, or to be available to all Trustr members.
    • Once a member has previewed and submitted a listing, the Trustr Customer Service team will validate it and, if everything is ready, post it to the website. If the Customer Service team needs more information, or has suggested edits, they will communicate with the posting member about making the requested changes/additions necessary complete the validation process.
    • Trustr is not liable or responsible for the content, ratings or reviews in the recommendations that its members post.
    • All Trustr members are encouraged and expected to write and post reviews on the Site for Listings that they have booked and stayed at.
    • Trustr provides an easy-to-use template to create reviews – that entails providing some information about the member’s stay (date, # of guests, price); ratings for location, amenities and ‘wow factor’; and some additional details about the property and the member’s stay.
    • As part of the review submission process, members also have to select whether they want their review to be accessible solely by other members in their network, to also be available to ‘Friends of Friends’, or to be available to all Trustr members.
    • Once a member has previewed and submitted a review, the Trustr Customer Service team will validate it and, if everything is ready, post it to the website. If the Customer Service team needs more information or has questions/suggestions, they will communiczte with the posting member about making the requested additions/changes necessary to complete the validation process.
    • Trustr is not liable or responsible for the content or ratings in the reviews that its members post.
    • Trustr members may receive quotes for renting Properties listed on Trustr by sending the Hosts (i.e., Trustr members who own or represent a listed Property) a request that specifies certain available dates they are interested in and a certain number of guests in their party.
    • If the Host is willing to entertain the request, they will respond with a quote that includes the rental fee, cleaning fee and Trustr service fee (which will be a fixed percentage of the rental and cleaning fee) associated with the rental.
    • If the Host declines the quote request, they will inform the requesting member why they are doing so.
    • If the requesting member is satisfied with the quote, they can use the Trustr booking platform to pay for the rental.
    • As part of the booking process, a reservation will be created in the Trustr database, that will also appear in both the Host’s and Guest’s Trustr accounts.
    • Trustr will remind both the Host and the Guest of an upcoming booking, and archive the booking information in the Completed Bookings sections of the Host and Guest Trustr accounts once the rental has been completed.
    • If either the Guest or Host cancels a booking, the booking information will be moved to the Cancelled Bookings section of the Guest’s and Host ‘s Trustr accounts, and any refund due per the Cancellation/Refund Terms associated with the booking will be paid to the Guest.
    • Trustr shall have no liability or responsibility to any member or Host for any fees owed or paid for a booking, any cancellation policy or any other liability arising in any way from the listing or booking of a Property.
    • In the event of a dispute involving any listing or booking – including, without limitation, cancellation policies, fee payments, or any objections or instructions by a Member or Host – Trustr shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to retain any fees or payments until such time as it receives agreed upon instructions from the parties, or a binding order of a court or arbitrator. Trustr shall have no responsibility to resolve any dispute among members or Hosts.
    • Trustr may, in its sole discretion, implement and generate other revenue streams, including without limitation advertising, membership and subscription fees. Trustr shall retain all of such other fees and revenue.

Last Updated: Oct 18, 2023